# Webshop

An object representing a shop. The unique identifier of the shop is shown in the admin web interface at the top of the page next to its name.

# Properties

Property Type Description
uid integer The unique identifier of a shop.
type string Webshop version, e.g. "lite", "basic", "plus", "one", "poly" or "expert".
edition string Webshop edition, e.g. "Textalk Webshop" or "Abicart".
is_demo boolean If the webshop is a demo shop.
loginRequiredToView boolean If the webshop requires customers to be signed in to view the webshop.
companyInfo companyInfo The webshop's company information.
companyNumber string The organisation number displayed on the shop site.
created string Date and time of when the shop was created. Visible to shop administrators only.
expirationDate string Date of when the shop subscription expires. Absent for demo shops. Visible to shop administrators only.
name object The name of the shop as an object, by language.
logotype object The URL of the logotype image, by language.
category string The category of products sold in the shop.
logolink object The URL to which the user is redirected when clicking on the shop logotype as an object, by language.
favicon string The URL of the favicon, if any.
priceStoredWithVat boolean Indicates if the prices are entered with or without VAT.
vatSupport boolean If VAT is used in the webshop.
showPricesIncludingVat boolean Whether VAT should be included in price as default.
vatCountry string In which country VAT is paid.
url object The URL to the start page, by language.
adminLanguage string Administration-interface language. Visible and writable by administrators only.
subscriptionInvoices array Unique identifiers of the webshop's invoices.
baseCurrency string The base currency of the shop.
activeCurrencies array An array of active currencies in the webshop.
defaultLanguage string The default language of the shop.
defaultDeliveryCountry string The default delivery country when orders are placed in the shop.
deliveryCountries array <>
languages array A list of IETF language codes. Administrators will see all the existing languages in the shop while non-administrators will see only those that are active.
piwikId string The piwid identifier of the webshop. DEPRECATED.
articlegroupPageTitleFormat string The format for titles on article-group pages if they are not explicitly set.
articlePageTitleFormat string The format for titles on article pages if they are not explicitly set.
customPagePageTitleFormat string The format for titles on custom pages if they are not explicitly set.
startPageTitle object The title of the start page, by language.
startPageMetaDescription object Text to be used for the HTML meta element named description on the start page, by language.
startPageMetaKeywords object Text to be used for the HTML meta element named keywords on the start page, by language.
contactEmail string The contact email of the shop.
isShopSystem boolean Whether or not this webshop is included in a shop system.
parent integer Whether or not this webshop has a parent. This combined with isShopsystem can be used to identify a subshop or supershop.
children array All subshops in the case this shop is a supershop.
minimalOrderCost minimalOrderCost The minimum order cost per currency that is needed to allow an order checkout.
checkoutNewsletter string "disabled", "optin" or "optout".
orderEmailSettings orderEmailSettings <>
textAfterCheckoutComplete object Text to be shown after an order has been complete, by language.
allowCustomerRegistration boolean <>
checkoutIntroductionText object <>, by language.
defaultCustomerType string The default customer type.
hasCustomergroupAssortment boolean <>
danads object DEPRECATED.
publicSocialMediaParams object <>
privateSocialMediaParams object <>
subscriptionInvoices array An array of unique identifiers for subscription invoices. Visible to administrators only. See SubscriptionInvoice.

# companyInfo

Property Type Description
email string Email-address to reach the company.
phone string Phone number to reach the company.
name string Name of the company.
address string Address of the company.
address2 string Address line 2 of the company.
city string City part of the address to the company.
postcode string Postcode/zipcode part of the address to the company.
country string Country part of the address to the company.

# minimalOrderCost

Property Type Description
cost object Cost, by currency.
target string Wether it affects total or basket cost.
  "minimalOrderCost": {
    "cost": {
      "SEK": 1000,
      "USD": 200
    "target": "total"

# orderEmailSettings

Property Type Description
from string Email-address to reach to company.
smtp smtp SMTP-settings.
logotype object Logotype, by language.

# smtp

Property Type Description
relay string SMTP-relay
port integer SMTP-port
username string SMTP-username
password string SMTP-password
security string SMTP-encryption. "none", "starttls", "tls" or "auto".

# Methods

# activateTrialPeriod

When called the shop expirationDate will be set 30 days from the current date. This will only work with admin access and only if expirationDate has not been set earlier.

# Errors

Code Message Description
4001 Trial period already set. The expirationDate has already been set with a date.

# Example


# contact

Sends an email to the webshop. Follows the schema gotten from getContactForm.

# Example

  "name": "Jane Doe",
  "email": "jane.doe@example.com",
  "phone": "+442071838750",
  "subject": "Return #12345678",
  "body": "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit...",
  "recaptchaResponse": "03AOLTBLQahGmqGY0pMQeYaoAFpjVdPBzfSOUReLsg2Nfaf9QnM7b..."

# count

Takes a filter object and returns the number of shops found, as an integer.

# Parameters

A filter object specifying which shops to count. See Filter objects on the page List selection.

# Example

The request below returns the number of shops found where the base currency is Euro.

  "/baseCurrency": "EUR"

# get

Fetches information about a shop, if you supply its unique identifier.

# Parameters

Parameter Description
uid The unique identifier of a shop.
query Which info to return. See Query language.

# Example

Webshop.get(22222, [

# getContactForm

Fetches a an object representing the contact form.

# Example


# getSchema

Fetches a JSON Schema that can be used for client-side validation.

# Parameters

The unique identifier of a webshop.

# list

Fetches multiple shops as an array of objects. You can only list the shops for which you are an administrator.

# Parameters

Parameter Description
query Which info to return. See Query language.
selection Which shops to list. See List selection.

# set

Updates a webshop.

# Parameters

Parameter Description
uid The unique identifier of a shop.
patch An object containing the properties and values to set for the shop.
query A query specifying what to return after a successful set (optional).

# Example

Webshop.set(123456, {
  "name": {
    "en": "Bird shop",
    "sv": "Fågelbutiken"
}, [

# validate

Validates the data to be set. The performed validation is the same as in set; it validates the resulting object and includes all the required properties. However, nothing is saved.

# Parameters

Parameter Description
uid The unique identifier of an existing shop.
patch An object containing the properties and values to set before validating.

# Returns

An array of validation-error objects, each containing the keys pointer (a property referenced using a JSON Pointer) and message (a readable text in the language of the context). If there are no validation errors, then an empty array is returned.