# Url

This class provides methods for looking up the relations between URLs and the content they represent, in both directions.

# Methods

# get

Fetches content information for a URL.

If a URL cannot be found but there exists a redirect for it, then a Moved response is returned containing the new URL. If neither a URL nor a redirect is found while a) the request was made to the root of a domain and b) this domain is owned by a shop, then a Moved response is returned pointing to the start page of the shop, in the default language of the shop.

# Parameters

Parameter Description
url The full URL of a webshop page.
query Which info to return (optional). See Query language.

# Example

A request for a URL pointing to an Article.

Url.get("https://demobutik.com/ecommerce/textalk-demo/men/in-hac-habitasse", true)

# Example

A request for a URL pointing to an Article where we explicity asks for URLs in all active languages.

Url.get("https://demobutik.com/en/in-hac-habitasse", {
  "webshop": true,
  "type": true,
  "language": true,
  "article": true,
  "articlegroup": true,
  "customPage": true,
  "shoppingList": true,
  "url": true,
  "languageUrls": true

# Example

The example below is a request for an Article that has got a new URL and returns a redirect.


# lookup

Looks up a URL by the type and object it represents. The correct Webshop must be set in the context.

# Parameters

Parameter Description
type Object type as one of "Article", "Articlegroup", "CustomPage", "StartPage" or "Moved".
object The unique identifier of the object depending on type, e.g. for the type "Article", object is the unique identifier of an Article. Use null for StartPage.
language A language code of an active language in the webshop.
variant Optional. For article pages, this can be the unique identifier of an Articlegroup in which the article should appear. For types other than "Article", variant is not used.

# Example 1 (English)

Url.lookup("Article", 12565483, "en")