# SubscriptionInvoice

# Properties

Property Type Description
uid integer The unique identifier of a subscription invoice.
paid boolean Whether the invoice has been paid or not.
currency string The currency of the invoice.
paymentMethod string The payment method of the invoice.
cost Cost The total cost of the invoice.
items Item Array of Item included in the invoice.

# Cost

Property Type Description
exVat number The total cost excluding vat.
vat number The total vat.

# Item

Property Type Description
type string
name string
cost number
period ItemPeriod A range of time in which the product will be usable.

# ItemPeriod

Property Type Description
start string The date and time of when the product starts being usable.
end string The date and time of when the product ends being usable.

# Methods

# get

# Example

SubscriptionInvoice.get(12345, true)

# getSchema

Fetches the JSON Schema which can be used for client-side validation.

# Parameters

The unique identifier of a subscription invoice.