# ArticleRelationList

This object represents manually created article relation list. This is a readonly object.

# Properties

Properies Type Description
uid integer The unique identifier for the relation list.
name object Name of the relation list, by language.
articles array List of Article uid's, there is a limit of 500 items.
show array Defines where the list is set to be shown. See more.

# How to handle the show property.

The show property will define where the list should be visible and is represented with the following values:

  • article. The list should be shown together with the specific article. Read more on the property at Article.
  • basket. Should be shown when the cart is shown.
  • confirmation. Show the list when an article is added to the cart

# Methods

# get

Fetches information about a relation list.

# Parameters

Parameter Description
uid The unique identifier of a relation list.
query Which info to return. See Query language.

# Example

ArticleRelationList.get(123456789, true)

# getSchema

Fetches the JSON Schema which can be used for client-side validation.

# Parameters

The unique identifier of an article relation list or null for a new article relation list.